Ultra Pure Test Strips



Test strips are used to determine the strength of Ultra Pure’s chlorine dioxide products. Was it mixed correctly? After a month, is the concentration still good/effective? Don’t leave health and safety up to chance. Order ClO2 test strips and rest assured that the job gets done.

In addition to the test strips we provide for your solution testing needs, we offer Ultra Pure natural disinfectants suitable for various settings. Jensen's chlorine dioxide disinfectant cleaner effectively combats unwanted microbes. Ultra Pure targets bacteria, mold, and spores in both the air and on surfaces while maintaining a pure composition. This secure disinfectant cleaner is an ideal choice.

Our ActivePure air purifiers and odor neutralizers not only enhance the quality of the air you breathe but also contribute to a healthier and more pristine environment by actively targeting and reducing various pollutants. Trust in the proven capabilities of our ActivePure technology for a cleaner and fresher indoor atmosphere.