ActivePure®Air Purifier & Odor Neutralizer
ActivePure® reduces bacteria, mold, fungus, and viruses in the air and on surfaces. HEPA filters and UV lights only treat the air that passes through the filter, while ActivePure® technology blasts molecules into the air that attack airborne pathogens. This technology has been proven to reduce the amount of common airborne and surface contaminants.

Proof It Works
In extensive independent lab testing. ActivePure has been proven to significantly reduce the following contaminants and pathogens:
- Aspergillus Niger
- Avian Flu
- Bacillus Gloigii
- Clostridium Difficile
- Candida Albicans
- E. Coli
- Hepatitis A
- Legionella Pneumophila
- Listeria Monocytogenes
- MS2 Bacteriophage RNA Virus
- Murine Norovirus
- Phi-X 174 DNA Virus
- Pseudomonas spp.
- Smoke
- Stachybotrys Chartarum
- Staphylococcus Aureus
- Staphylococcus Epidermis
- Streptococcus spp.
- Swine Flu
- VOCs
|Air Purifiers
How We Do It
In The Air
At the Cleveland Clinic, 100 Active Pure Machines were purchased and placed in 50 operating rooms. A study was conducted over the last 2 years. The results were a 100% reduction in the 1st and 2nd years of Nosocomial infections (HA-MRSA & CDIF). ActivePure is an automated DEEP Cleaning oxidizer. If we can do this for Patients in a Hospital Environment, we can do it in your facility's common areas and cafeterias where congregating occurs. All contaminants and pathogens are inactivated--eliminated!